Official objection of IUA over the increasing admission capacity of urology residents in 2020

Dr.Abbas Basiri , the chairman of IUA , proclaimed the Association's protestations over the frequent increasing admission capacity of urology residents in a letter to ministry of health and medical education.

In this letter , it has been accentuated that this increase is not even compatible with the health ministries own declared census and estimations and policies . A copy of this letter has also been delivered to the head of Islamic Republic of Iran Medical Council (IRIMC) and the head of Iranian Medical Associations Assembly .

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23rd IUA Congress Chairman and Secretary Report

As you are acknowledged , the chairman and secretary of IUA 23rd annual congress were introduced in the general assembly of 22nd congress.

Planning for 23rd congress execution was started in November 2019 by forming the scientific committee as the first step to compile the scientific schedule during regular meetings.

Throughout the meetings , the congress strategy was approved to be based on presentation of beneficial and functional issues for the majority of attendants ( all of whom are almost general urologists ) as well as launching updated data of different subspecialties.

Therefore , the scientific and provincial sub branches of scientific committees were established. Regarding that some of the subjects could not be discussed under the title of any scientific sub branches , a separate branch entitled " general urology " was added to others. The supposed issues of each branch were collated by the chairman and secretary of the branch in accordance with scientific committee.

Perhaps it was the first time to compile the scientific schedule for each branch under direct supervision of the relative branch chairman which leaded to a more profound schedule.

Considering the sum of time dedicated to the scientific program , the allocation of time for the branches was performed in the common meetings of scientific and executive committees and IUA board of directors; hence , the complete schedule of IUA 23rd congress was prepared to be released on the website  on March 2020 ( 4 months before the scheduled date) so the congress would be executed on June 2020 at Abureyhan international conferences center.

However , the COVID-19 outbreak and limitation of carrying out gatherings hindered the congress execution as it was planned.

After brainstorming in several meetings of IUA board of directors , the virtual execution of the congress was authorized.

Regarding the problems due to internet access limitations , there was a probability of the lecturers not getting prepared for their presentation on the arranged time and the consequent disorders; therefore , it was decided to receive all the lectures in an identical format of powerpoint slides with voice recordings beforehand and make them ready to be shared as videos on the determined time.

Concerning that not all the speakers were completely familiar with producing voice containing slides and also unifying the slide formats , a guideline about how to add voices to powerpoint slides  was prepared by the congress secretariat in written and video form and was shared via the groups for each panel.Also the uniform format for the slides were sent to the lecturers.

After receiving the files , they were edited by the secretariat ,  categorized and uploaded on the congress platform according the schedule.

One of the most important circumstances to be discussed beforehand  was choosing the best platform on which the virtual congress would be uploaded. Finally , Skyroom was selected as the platform regarding the board of directors opinions. Two accounts were purchased and activated for the congress and after verifying the function of them by some test , the links were activated and shared on the website and also delivered to attendants via sms.

One other arrangement that took place in the IUA virtual congress was transmitting the programs on Aparat platform simultaneously; This would help the attendants to pursue the programs lively on Aparat with a good quality in case of any problems occurring in skyroom platform.

             The advantage of utilizing this system was that there was no need for the online presence of the speakers  while they had sent their videos formerly; However , with all members in concordance , the panel chairmen and members were online during their program transmission and in the end of the program took part in the question and answer sessions to reply to the attendants.

The other resolution for the virtual execution was to put together  the presentations of each branch in a form of some 1-2 hour webinars and set the whole schedule in several webinars during 6 days of 2 successive weeks in August.  5 webinars were dedicated to international presentations in cooperation with European Association of Urology , Urology Association of Asia , International Association of Urology , International Continence Society and International Neurourology Society.

   Finally, after several meetings to assess probable challenges and consider appropriate solutions , the 23rd annual congress of IUA was executed on 19-21 Aug 2020 and 26-28 Aug 2020.

The exact time and execution framework were both uploaded on website and sent to our fellow workers via sms.

Approximately 60 articles were sent for the congress that the selected ones and also  the available videos ( about 170 videos)   would be shared with the colleagues in an e book format.

The problems concerning CME credits of the virtual congress , regarding that it was the first congress being carried out virtually and the relative ministry had not any prepared planning for it , are being resolved by our correspondence  with the ministry.

 After all , problems and imperfections are an inseparable  part of such programs and we express our apologies to all our dear fellow workers and hope to present programs of higher quality in future sessions.

dr soleymani

Dr.Mohammad Reza Nikoobakht

Congress Chairman

Dr.Mohammad Soleimani

Congress Scientific Secretary

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dr nima narimani

Dr.Nima Narimani becoming the administrator of the programs for Men’s Health day of the year!

With respect to IUA board of directors selection , Dr.Nima Narimani, a faculty member of Iran University of Medical Sciences urology department, was elected as the administrator of the national Men's Health day programs execution.

Since 13 years ago, by IUA's suggestion and innovation, the first Thursday of Esfand has been titled as National Men's Health day.

Some years later, regarding the growing importance of the related issues , this was changed to be Men's Health Week by ministry of Health and Medical Education in order to get more opportunities to engage with the diverse dimensions of the problems concerning men's health exclusively or more than other groups of society.

Obviously, it is not about neglect of problems related to other groups like women or children; but it tends to be an opportunity to emphasize on the potential sources of apprehension for men's health, specially considering the fact that men are more negligent in their health status.

dr nima narimani
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COVID 19 Virus

Last Version of IUA Recommendations for Surgical Procedures in COVID-19 pandemic Published


With COVID19 pandemic influencing our country , there were requests from our fellow workers to share the IUA scientific recommendations about surgical procedures. Therefore, reviewing all available references of that time , 2 editions of the recommendations were shared; however, some challenges were still existing as a result of limitation of  evidence based references and ambiguity in pandemic condition in the country. Afterwards , IUA formed COVID 19 commission to prepare a third edition titled as IUA-CTP and publish it in Urology Journal. In the next editions , the referred evidence would be updated in epidemiological data  tables.

This kind of scientific reference to epidemiological findings in scheduling surgical procedures is rather a brand new attitude in the region and the world and among all specialties  and subspecialties of medicine. The current evidence is the 4th version of IUA-CTP based on the 3rd version with updated Iran’s epidemiological data:



Persian Document COVID 19

مدیریت انجمن ارولوژی Association News, Events

IUA virtual congress has started!

The first and second day of IUA virtual congress ended successfully. Despite minor technical problems in communications , the programs were executed efficiently in the last two days. In this congress ,which is being convened virtually due to COVID 19 pandemic, there would be lectures from Iranian and International speakers. The congress is scheduled in 6 working days ( 19-21 Aug and 26-28 Aug 2020) in a total duration of 40 hours ; and most of the international programs will be on the next 4 days.

All dear fellow workers are invited to visit the congress complete schedule here and attend the virtual sessions without any limits and all free.

مدیریت انجمن ارولوژی Association News, Events

UAA 2020 is going VIRTUAL!

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the UAA 2020 Organizing Committee, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for your interest in UAA 2020.

The UAA 2020 Congress will be held as a virtual meeting on the changed dates of Thursday, October 15th to Saturday, October 17th. Several modifications had to be made, but we are confident that the online congress will nonetheless be an enthusiastic arena for exchange of the latest knowledge and provide an easy platform for participation, all at a more flexible schedule.

Details of the program and registration will be continually updated through the website and newsletters.

We look forward to seeing all of you at the UAA 2020 Online Congress in October!

Sincerely yours,

Myung-Soo Choo


UAA 2020 Organizing Committee

Kyu-Sung Lee


UAA 2020 Organizing Committee

About the UAA 2020 Online Congress Registration

1) No registration fee

2) Free Pre registration Due Date: October 5 (Mon), 2020

*All participants are only allowed to participate online and you need to sign up for the UAA 2020 website (, before registration.

*No registration fee is needed for all participants, however you need to register during Free Pre registration.

مدیریت انجمن ارولوژی Association News

A new limit achieved

‏IUA virtual workshop on TRUS-Guided prostate biopsy: 230 audiences participated

‏COVID-19 pandemic has changed many social conditions and one aspect of these changes seem to be in medical education, both in university scale and as in continuous medical education programs. After a plenty of webinars containing lectures, panels and debates, we face virtual workshops and whole congresses being held in creative online, video-based and practical methods, merging various facilities for a better result.

‏IUA has started planning webinar series from the very first month of the pandemic. 23rd IUA annual congress also is being held in 6 working days, starting less than two weeks later.

‏On Thursday 6 August, an online workshop on TRUS- guided biopsy of prostate, attracted 230 participants in its maximum record which is a new limit. Interestingly the number of participants during all webinars seems to be increasing. Additional experience on better management of virtual sessions and a better coping with these sorts of educational media by the audiences may contribute to this increasing trend.

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Scientific Program of the 23rd IUA Annual Congress


Virtual congress of the Iranian Urological Association (23rd annual congress) is going to be held in 6 working days with participation of outstanding international and local speakers including representatives from five international associations:
19-21 August
26-28 August
For more details of the program, please see the link below



Scientific Program of IUA Congress

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