Dr Hajebrahimi


Dear Dr. S . Haj Ebrahimi

Well pleased to perceive the collaboration of evidence based medicine (EBM) center of Tabriz university which is all managed by your administration with  Joanna Brigges Institute (JBI ) of Australia , we commend this valuable achievement that is a consequence of constant and genius activities of you and your colleagues at EBM.

Hoping for more favorable outcomes , we are looking forward for the beneficial cooperations of EBM and IUA in the continuum of previous combined efforts.


Best wishes,


Head of Iranian Urological Association


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The second webinar of IUA webinar series

Shortly after the last international webinar, the IUA is planning to convene the second webinar of IUA webinar series on Thursday May 28th 2020 at 12:00 – 14:30 (GMT) with well-known international lecturers in attendance. The routes of attending this webinar and more details will be out soon according to, Dr.Farzin Soleimanzadeh, the manager of this scientific program.

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IUA Annual Congress Updated Timeframe Announcement

In recent months COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all activities across the globe and Healthcare professionals are in the center of this battle against the problem. Although the annual congress of IUA is the most important scientific event of the prosperous urology society of Iran, concerning the safety and well being of every society member, the board of IUA directors has decided to postpone the congress to August 4 – 7.

In view of the fact that this pandemic has caused a noticeable number of international events to be postponed or cancelled and regarding the dynamic and unpredictable identity of this condition, there is a possibility of further changes; nevertheless the IUA is going on with August 4-7 for the present and is precisely evaluating the situation according to the reports of health ministry, epidemiologic associations, international health institutes and urological associations.

Hoping for this condition being controlled in the near future, the IUA tends to compile the best provisions based on the scientific findings to face this situation cooperating with urology society members.

The board of IUA directors

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The Evidence-based Medicine center (EBM) turns up to become a Joanna Brigges Institute (JBI) center of excellence

Reported by the public relations of IUA, after the yearly evaluation of JBI and meeting the needed standards, the EBM center of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences has officially become the first and only scientific hub of JBI (JBI center of excellence) in Iran thanks to the continuous efforts of scientific committee and the collaborators. This success is achieved after only two years of becoming an Affiliated Group of JBI in 2018.

The JBI of Australia is one of the most important and respectable international institutes in evidence based practice incorporating 70 active institutes in 34 countries around the world.

IUA congratulates this achievement to the medical sciences universities.


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One-day Symposium of Basrah university in partnership with Iranian Urologists

With virtual conferences being popular due to the new condition created by COVID-19 pandemic, University of Basrah has arranged a 1-day symposium in partnership with Iranian Urologists. For more information about the schedule and communication paths check the links below.

Dear brother

Please download this application on your laptop and smartphone

Dial-in number (TR): (0212) 988 17 84
Access code: 348696#
International dial-in numbers: https://fccdl.in/i/murtadhamajeed
Online meeting ID: murtadhamajeed
Join the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/murtadhamajeed



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Request for Nominations for the UAA Young Urologist Fellowship for 2020

The Urological Association of Asia invites application for the UAA Young UrologistFellowship for 2020 to be held in conjunction with the 18th UAA Congress from 14th October to 17th October 2020 in Seoul, South Korea

These grants aim to provide the 3 selected junior consultants from our member nations an opportunity to attend the UAA Annual Congress and to participate in the educational activities of UAA;Also there would be some awards including One-year membership of the European Association of Urology (EAU) with its Attendant benefits .

IUA tends to support the selected nominees by financial grants which would be quantified soon.

Regarding the announcement of UAA to reserve the rights to ask the National Association or the nominee to pay the registration fees of USD500.00 if the nominee fails to turn up for any sessions without a valid reason or reason deem not acceptable by UAA, IUA will retain this amount of money for each nominee and would pay it back when the nominees are back to Iran.

To attend this educational program, please read the attached file about the selection process precisely and if eligible, fill the attached application form and send it to IUA email address: INTERNATIONAL@IUANET.ORG by the date of June 6 2020 in order to be evaluated.

Dear Council Members

The UAA invites applications for the UAA Young Urologist Fellowship for 2019. These grants aim to provide young urologists from our member associations an opportunity to attend the UAA Congress at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 7th August to 10th August 2019 and participate in the educational activities of the UAA and build a network of qualified urology professionals within Asia.

We are pleased to announce that from Year 2018, the Urological Association of Asia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with European Association of Asia to co-organize the UAA Young Urologist Fellowship Program. There will be at least 3 internationally renowned guest faculty from the European Association of Urology (EAU) in the UAA-EAU Young Urologists’ Session and UAA will also provide complimentary first-year membership of the EAU to the successful nominees of the UAA Young Urologist Fellowship for 2019.


Complimentary registration for the 17th UAA Congress, 7th ۱۰th August 2019

One year membership of the European Association of Urology (EAU) with its attendant benefits of:

a. Discounted registration for the EAU congress

b. Subscription to the European Urology Journal and all educational resources of EAU


Qualified urologists, within 10 years of receiving their urology degree

Member of their national/regional urology association

 Must submit an abstract to the 17th UAA Congress 2019

Fluent in English

Must not have received this fellowship program in the past


During the UAA Congress in Kuala Lumpur, the awardees will attend the UAA-EAU Young Urologists’ sessions on 8th August and 9th August 2019 afternoon.

Attendance of this activity is mandatory on both days to receive the award, and will receive a certificate of attendance signed by both Associations.

Selected fellows will be invited to present and discuss interesting cases they learned in this session

The selected awardees will be expected to become Individual Members of UAA (Please complete attached Membership Form) and serve as resource persons for future activities of the UAA and the Youth Section.

Selection process:

Applicants must fill the application form, attach a colored head-shot photograph in jpeg format and UAA membership form, and submit this to the NATIONAL/REGIONAL UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. We DO NOT accept direct applications from the applicants.

The national/regional urological association will check eligibility of the applicants (submit maximum 6 & UAA will select 3) and rank the applications in their order of merit through their own internal process.

The national/regional urological association will send all applications that fulfill the eligibility criteria, along with their internal ranks to the UAA secretariat..

Three applicants will be selected from each member association. Vacant slots, if any, may be given to extra applicants from other member associations.

The selection panel reserves the rights to accept or reject any application at its discretion.

Closing date for Nomination : 25th March 2019 at 2359 hrs

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Covid-19 & Urology Practice

Dear Associates

The IUA is inviting you to attend the webinar of “Covid-19 & Urology Practice” from the IUA webinar series.

Sponsored by Abidi Pharmaceuticals, the webinar is going to be on April 30th from 12:00 to 14:00 (GMT).

For accessing the webinar channel and taking part in it, please use one of the links below and enter as a “guest” at the determined time for the event.



Also, this program would be accessible on the website of IUA:

صفحه اصلی

Sincere regards,

Organizer: the Iranian Urological Association (IUA)

In cooperation with: Urology Journal

Sponsored by: Abidi Pharmaceuticals

مدیریت انجمن ارولوژی Association News
dr naderi

Valuable professor Dr. Gholam Hossein Naderi rushed to the land of truth

With grief in our hearts and unbelievingly , we may share the unpleasant news of Dr.Gholam Hossein Naderi passing away after a strenuous battle against COVID-19.

Being one of the prominent urology professors of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and one of the authorities of kidney transplant and the chairman of transplant branch of IUA , his loss would always be felt by us.

IUA offers condolences to his respectful family and to Iranian medical and urological society.

May his soul rest in peace.

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نظرسنجی کمیته دستیاری درباره نحوه اجرای کوریکولوم آموزشی

کمیته دستیاری انجمن اورولوژی ایران اقدام به بررسی کیفیت اجرای کوریکولوم آموزش دستیاری اورولوژی در دانشگاه‌های سراسر کشور نمود. این نظر‌سنجی به سرپرستی دکتر محمد‌مهدی میری دبیر محترم آموزشی کمیته دستیاری و بصورت الکترونیک صورت گرفت. طبق هماهنگی های اولیه با هیات رییسه محترم انجمن مقرر شده تا از نتایج این نظرسنجی جهت برگزاری دوره های آموزشی ویژه دستیاران استفاده شود.

آموزشی نظرسنجی